Energy Audits

An energy audit is the process by which the operation of a facility or building is energetically evaluated in order to to lessen the global energetic expenditure.


More and more often, energy audits have allowed to reduce energy demand, - more expensive every day - and its cost, and to move towards a more sustainable development. With these audits it is intended to reduce energy consumption, especially in the industrial sector, through Guides for Savings and Energy Efficiency. Energy audit programs have proven worldwide effective to improve the energy efficiency of the facilities.
In this sector the energy audits pursue three objectives:

  • Adjust the actual consumption of the plant to the power ratings, ensuring proper maintenance of the facilities.
  • Reduce nominal consumption with new technologies that increase the efficiency of energy consumption.
  • Minimize process demand optimizing the operation of energy services.

MACO HENARES through an engineering team with extensive experience in the energy sector offers its customers this possibility with the intention of making their facilities more sustainable and reduce significantly their energy consumption and make the most out of new facilities targeted to this aim.

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