Portfolio Category: Energy Division

Certification of Facilities

We have qualified personnel who can certify electrical, air conditioning and compressed air installations meeting all requirements for supply. CERTIFICATION OF FACILITIES Through this department our customers can get any type of certificate required for new facilities, as well as for older facilities that are repaired or upgraded in these fields: Electric installation certification (or…
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Energy Audits

An energy audit is the process by which the operation of a facility or building is energetically evaluated in order to to lessen the global energetic expenditure. ENERGY AUDITS More and more often, energy audits have allowed to reduce energy demand, - more expensive every day - and its cost, and to move towards a…
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Energy Efficiency Certification

We manage and process your Energy Performance Certificate as rigorously and effectively as possible. . Including all necessary work for obtaining the Certificate : from data collection and visit to the property in question until the issue and the preparation of all the necessary documentation for the final obtaining of the Label from the competent…
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